22 October 2011

Affordances: numero uno

8th September:
Affordances can be described as the outcome of an activity, or what the activity itself leads to. Affordances can be split into categories which allow us to break our activity down and look at it more specifically. A few that we are going to look at closely in this blog are communication properties, action properties and moral properties.

On Saturday night after a long day of missioning around trying to get the cheapest veggies and trekking up Baldwin street for ‘fun’, I decided a bit of relaxing painting was in need. I decided I would paint my drawers as they were looking a bit dull. So I got everything set up in my room, paint newspaper and music of course and began to paint... After about two hours my flatmate came into my room to tell me that tea was ready, she saw what I was up to and this lead to conversation...

Communicating properties:  When we were looking at the painting together we began to talk. She gave me compliments on what I had done and asked questions about why I was painting what I was. I explained to her what I had planned to do and we had a laugh as the finished product was nothing like I had first intended. As we continued to talk she mentioned how she used to love doing art at school and showed me some of her work. I found this really interesting as I had no idea that she enjoyed or even did art. By this I was able to see how people can connect through art.

Moral Properties: When looking at moral properties in regards to painting we are looking at the positives and negatives of the activity. A positive is art bringing people together and allowing them to talk and have opinions about it. It can open up many conversations and allow them to connect like I said earlier. Another Pro with this activity is how it can make people feel, I have been asked to paint pictures for people of things that are meaningful to them, these are always my favourites.   Art is never wrong or right so I see this as a positive aspect, it means there are no restrictions. Some negatives about art I have found since doing my activity would be the time it takes, it’s always so hard to limit myself to two hours, especially if I feel like I’m on a roll.

Action Properties: When looking at action properties we are looking at the connection painting and drawing makes with other activities. For example before you can paint you need to make sure you have pains, brushes and a surface to paint on, this can lead to searching, rummaging or shopping to buy fresh equipment. Before painting we need to set up our environment and get all the preparation done to make sure we have all we need. Once the painting or drawing is complete it has the purpose of being looked at and hopefully enjoyed by others. One last task that always comes with a good session of painting is the cleaning up, never my favourite but needs to be done.

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