8 May 2011

Technical Description Two:

There are many different ways people store share and manipulate digital images by using a range of hardware and software. Some examples of hardware used to store digital images can be devices such as USB’s and external hard drives. People can use devices like these as a back up to keep their photos safe as well as using them to share digital images by transferring from computer to computer, here is a link to a website which describes this http://www.ehow.com/facts_4969259_what-external-hard-drive-used.html (Demand Media, 1999-2011). There are many examples of software used for digital imaging such as websites like Facebook and flickr.com where people can put photos online to share with people all over the world. There are many Photoshop programs which people can use on computers now which allow the users to enhance and manipulate here is a link to a site which explains photoshop in more detail http://www.washington.edu/lst/help/graphics/photoshop/what-is-photoshop (Technology, 1998-2011). Digital imaging is used in many ways to provide information and keep records for example news papers and magazines use digital imaging every day, they use them to further explain stories or sometimes set the scene. By using images the media is able to draw in the reader and hopefully encourage them to read articles. The media uses digital images on the news to in a similar and to further describe a situation for example the Christchurch earthquake, here is a link to this example http://www.3news.co.nz/Christchurch-earthquake---PHOTOS/tabid/1125/articleID/199311/Default.aspx                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
“A new technology is rarely superior to an old one in every feature”  In relation to digital cameras we can see how this statement is very relevant. We can see how many advantages digital cameras have such as your able to copy images onto computers and other storage devices as well as share them online. Digital cameras also allow us to edit and manipulate images so we can create different effects which we would not be able to do on an old style film cameras. In this video a man explains in detail a more advance list of advantages.

Although there are many obvious advantages with digital cameras there are also some disadvantages. One huge disadvantage i think there is with digital cameras are they are less social. This may sound like a strange statement but by having all of our photos stored on computers we are now less likely to sit around with family and friends looking through hard copies. I think these hard copies were more special to us as it was something that you had and appreciated as you could not just go online and print more off.

Many ethical issues can arise when capturing and distributing photos when using IT. The first example of this is privacy, the problem with photos that are captured and shared today are that they are accessible by many others when put on such websites such as Facebook and Flickr.com. When photos are taken of people and put on these websites without consent it can breached people’s privacy as many often many others see the photo’s before they have a chance to themselves. This can be a similar problem when taking photographs in public places such as shops and libraries as they may not appreciate photos been taking and shared where they have no control of how they are portrayed and shared.

Digital imaging is and could be used in many different ways within occupational therapy practise. One example of this could be record keeping with clients and could be used to show progress and how someone has advanced. They could also been used as before and afters to show clients how they have healed for example in burns units with clients who have had treatment or to show people results with things like scar management her is a link to a site which further explains what OT’s do on these wards http://www.rch.org.au/burns/staff/index.cfm?doc_id=2014.

With this technical description we were asked to open Flickr accounts and to share these photos on our blog my photos are of a few towns I like to consider home so enjoy. 


Demand Media, I. (1999-2011). What Is an External Hard Drive Used For? Retrieved May 3, 2011, from eHow: http://www.ehow.com/facts_4969259_what-external-hard-drive-used.html

Technology, U. I. (1998-2011). What is Photoshop? Retrieved May 3rd, 2011, from Learning & Scholary Technologies, University of Washington: http://www.washington.edu/lst/help/graphics/photoshop/what-is-photoshop

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