8 May 2011

Technical Description Five: Video Production Sessions

YouTube can offer many services to us whether this is for work or play. For example YouTube has a huge amount of educational videos and explanations of many different topics. It can be a great place to learn a new skill for example, dances moves, photography tricks and almost anything you could think of. From YouTube we are able to gain video resources which we can then use to help further explain examples like I have been doing within this blog.  YouTube can provide people with music and videos which can be very meaningful to individuals as well as giving them a chance to express their own opinions.
I was asked to introduce a topic of interest which I have drawn on from fieldwork placements so I decide to do relaxation. Relaxation is a broad topic to explain but in general it is a release of tension. On my fieldwork placement we had night sessions once a week where the occupational therapist took a relaxation class with the clients on the ward. People who attended expressed how much they enjoyed these classes and I must admit they worked very well. At the end of my placement I was lucky enough to be allowed to give it a go and found it a very cool exercise to run. So with this topic I have been asked to find five different sources of online video content that help explain or demonstrate this topic so sit back and enjoy.
Firstly I have an example of guided relaxation.

This video focuses mostly on relaxing your muscles and has a really helpful explanation at the beginning.

This explains some techniques to help relaxing and also mentions alternatives you could do if this kind of relaxation is not for you.

This movie I found really good as the instructor talks you through how to get relaxed when experiencing a phobia. I found it very helpful as she uses herself to demonstrate.

There are many relaxation tracks on YouTube that are all kinds of noises that individuals may find relaxing such as waves crashing and birds singing. Here I found a video which is the sound of rain.

1 comment:

  1. Great to see someone else is interested in relaxation, I enjoyed your videos :)
