28 September 2011


"Ergonomics can be explained as the fit between people, the things they do, the objects they use and the environments they work, travel and play in. If good fit is achieved, the stresses on people are reduced.  They are more comfortable, they can do things more quickly and easily, and they make fewer mistakes" (Humanics ErgoSystems, Inc, 2008). In our tutorial we looked at ergonomics under three sub headings, person, activity and environment we made lists of examples under each:

-          Preference
-          Age
-          Timeline
-          How it makes you feel?
-          Competence
-          Agency
-          Body deficits
-          Spirituality / connection
-          Time available
-          Skill level
-          Press (Keilhofner)

-          Adapting the activity?
-          Adaptive equipment
-          Pacing (press)
-          Spatial organisation
-          Personal assistance (adapting the task)

-          Physical environment (moving things, ramps, accessibility)
-          Social accessibility
-          Cultural accessibility (“how we do things in this house”)
-          Political environment

In relation to painting and drawing I was able to make my own lists and examples under the different headings. When looking at the person aspect of ergonomics I took notes on how since getting older and leaving school I have started to do less art. I looked at how painting and drawing makes me relaxed and I feel in control. It is an activity that can make me feel very competent at times but at others I can feel like I have no idea what I am doing. When looking at body deficits I am using mainly my right arm for the entire task and usually sitting on the floor. I usually do this task by myself and although I sometimes have trouble finding the time to do it once I start I am in no hurry.
When looking at ergonomics from the activity aspect I noted down things such as sometimes I choose to draw rather than paint as it is less time consuming and requires less time spent preparing and washing before and after the activity. I noted down how you can choose what you are drawing or painting and how far you want to go with it, whether it be easy or hard. You can choose things such as colour, size, what tools or brushes you’re going to use along with many other choices.
When focusing on the environment aspect of ergonomics I realized that I could do my art almost anywhere. I often do it at my house in my bedroom or lounge but if it is a good day I love to do my paintings and drawings outside in the sun. I like to have lots of space when I am painting so I usually will clear the floor for all of my things before I get started. I like to have a relaxing environment when I paint and draw so I always play my “chillen” playlist on my iPod and crank it right up to sing along to.

Humanics ErgoSystems, Inc. (2008). What is Ergonomics? Retrieved October 28, 2011, from Humanics Ergonomics: http://www.humanics-es.com/def-erg.htm

15 September 2011

Painting and Drawing

This semester we have been asked to continue with our blogs from participation in occupation one into participation in occupation two. This semester me and my class mates have all chosen an activity that we are to do for at least two hours a week and blog about. The activity I have chosen I painting and drawing as it is something I love and will have no problem doing for two hours each weekJ. For my first blog post I have been asked to write about my involvement with my activity and what it means to me, so here we go. I have been painting and drawing since forever I have taken it as a subject all throughout school and NCEA. It was easily my favourite subject without a doubt. While doing art at school my teacher got me to enter a few competitions where I managed to get a placing for something but I can’t remember the details. Since leaving school I have continued to do a lot of painting for friends and family. I do a range of different paintings such as landscapes, portraits and just objects and designs.
 Since starting polytechnic I feel I have ran out of time to do painting and drawing like I used to so I love that this paper has given me the perfect excuse to start up with it again. When I do painting I find it so relaxing, I just crank the music up and paint away. I can waste hours. I like that painting lets you be completely creative and no-one can tell you that it is wrong.
I have seen art groups being run by occupational therapists before and i think they are great. These groups allow the participants to interact with each other, express themselves and promote their creativity. It’s a place where there are no rules that must be followed which allows the participant to make choices and do what they want, which could be a change from a busy structured ward where people are telling you what you’re eating, what pills your taking and who you will be meeting with that day.
I will be able to do this activity for two hours plus a week as its the perfect way to procrastinate and avoid readings ;) . It has been 3 weeks since starting my painting and drawing. I decided if i was going to do this properly I would need some new supplies so i brought paints and an art book where i will be able to keep all of my pictures together, these things were quite cheap and hopefully will last for the rest of this semester but if I run out a notepad and pencil will do the trick.
Oh well that’s all for now but i will keep you posted on my art adventures.